Client testimonies

Installation of a Boulange Kit

We contacted the organic bakery “A Pain de Loup” located in Belley, a couple of years after having installed a Boulange Kit to filter and re-structure water. What are the advantages of purified water when working with natural sourdough? Are the issues related to limescale, especially on the vapor injectors of the oven, resolved? We answer all of these questions in this interview.

Thanks to our Boulange Kit, our client was able to observe:

Installing VitalQuartz DH600

We installed a one-of-a-kind device to treat all fo the water flow used in this hospital.

Our partner Société Eau vivante went to the Puy-En-Velay’s Emile Roux Hospital Center, in order to put a VitalQuartz DH600 device in service on the mains water supply.

Prior to that, the hospital had installed three 3″ VitalQuartz T Series before the boiler for steam production.

Some impressive key figures for this 6″ device:

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